The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Milking Routines
This video/podcast series focuses on how to effectively milk cows to produce high-quality milk. Dr. Pamela Ruegg will discuss the science behind effective milking routine in seven practical habits.
This video/podcast series focuses on how to effectively milk cows to produce high-quality milk. Dr. Pamela Ruegg will discuss the science behind effective milking routine in seven practical habits.
This first episode begins with the basics, and highlights the goals and objectives of having an effective milking routine.
In Episode 2 of this series, Dr. Pamela Ruegg presents the first habit of a successful milking routine, and it begins before the cows even enter the milking parlor. Keeping cows clean and calm will not only impact the speed at which cows get milked, but also the rate new mastitis infections can develop in the herd.
Dairy cows can be managed in groups for not only nutritional and reproductive reasons, but also for milk quality. Join Dr. Pamela Ruegg in this episode to learn how to develop a milking plan to ensure the production of high-quality milk without transmitting mastitis pathogens throughout the herd.
Dr. Pamela Ruegg takes us through steps three and four of the "7 Habits of Highly Successful Milking Routines." Step 3 is about the consistent premilking preparation: forestripping for stimulation and detection of mild cases of mastitis. Step 4 stresses the importance of disinfection and drying of teats to ensure that milk is obtained in a hygienic manner.
Steps 5 and 6 of our "7 Habits" video series are about properly attaching and removing milking units and understanding the dangers of overmilking.
The last habit of a successful milking routine focuses on managing the cows once the milk units are removed. Dr. Pamela Ruegg talks about post-milking teat dipping and returning to fresh feed.
This last video of the "7 Highly Successful Milking Routines" series features the complete milking routine, unabridged. From start to finish, you can see the entire milking process featuring tips and recommendations.
The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Milking Routines. (English) (Español)
Standard Milking Procedures for stall barns. (English) (Español)
Milk Secretion and Quality Standards.
The 10 Smart Things Dairy Farms Do to Achieve Milking Excellence.
The Effect of Manual Forestripping on Milking Performance of Holstein Dairy Cows.