Milk Money Program

Milk Money Logo of a green body cow with black head

Milk Money was a voluntary extension program for Wisconsin dairy farms that had participation of more than 500 dairy farms between 2001 and 2007. It was developed and led by Dr. Pamela L. Ruegg of the Department of Dairy Science at the University of Wisconsin. The program was based on motivating and empowering farmers and their local dairy advisors to work together to improve milk quality and farm profitability. Farmers developed personalized milk quality plans for their individual farm to achieve self-defined milk quality goals. Now Milk Money resources are still available for you to download and apply to your operation.

Part 1: Teams and Team Management: Working together increases the potential for success. Read about the benefits of a team-based milk quality improvement program.


Actions and Outcomes of Wisconsin Dairy Farms Completing Milk Quality Teams

The Influence of Extension on Team Success of a Milk Quality Improvement Program

Part 2: Registration and Program Forms: Have access to the registration and program forms, questionnaires, and action plans.

Part 3: Milk Quality Resources: The complete resource package of milk quality resources includes science-based information and strategies to achieve milk quality goals.


10 Smart Things Dairy Farms Do to Achieve Milking Excellence

The Seven Habits of Highly Successful Milking Routines

Calculating Monthly Clinical Case Rates

Collecting Bulk Tank Milk Samples

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Mastitis Vaccines


"Flaming Udders"

How Much Money Does Mastitis Cost You?

Standard Milking Procedures for milking parlors

Standard Milking Procedures for stall barns

Milking Routine Analysis

Troubleshooting high bacteria counts in farm milk

Environmental Streps

Taking Sterile Milk Samples

Treatment Protocols

Troubleshooting High Bacteria Counts in Farm Milk