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Part 1- Why is dry cow treatment recommended?

In this episode, Dr Pamela Ruegg talks about how dry cow therapy reduces the risk of mastitis for the next lactation cycle and the importance of using antibiotics responsibly.

Part 2- The science behind dry cow therapy.

In this episode, Dr. Pamela Ruegg talks about the new concepts in dry cow therapy, including 'selective' dry cow therapy. Learn how selective dry cow therapy programs focus on using antibiotics and internal teat sealants for affected quarters to reduce the risk of mastitis during the next milking cycle.

Part 3- Selecting herds and cows for selective dry cow treatment

If you are considering the use of dry cow therapy in your herd, it is a good idea to first examine the level of mastitis in your herd. In this episode, Dr. Pamela Ruegg guides you in deciding if blanket dry cow therapy or selective dry cow therapy is best for your herd based on the history of subclinical mastitis in your herd and your ability to monitor clinical mastitis at the cow level.