As consumer consciousness about the food system increases, so do the concerns over antibiotic drug use and the potential of drug residue in the dairy industry. Check out this video/podcast series to learn more about "Making Responsible Choices about Antibiotic Drug Use."
In this episode, Dr. Pamela Ruegg speaks of the importance for producers and dairy professionals to understand these concerns and make sure that drugs are used responsibly. She explains what the Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship is and how to establish one with your vet. Working closely with your veterinarian can ensure that your animals receive appropriate care, and food produced from these animals will be safe for human consumption.
Treatment and control of disease in your dairy herd can be confusing, especially when trying to keep up-to-date on federal drug regulation. Knowing the right definitions and allowable types of drug usage on dairy farms is important to ensure your animals receive appropriate care and that food produced from those animals will be safe for human consumption. In this episode, Dr. Pamela Ruegg explains the different classes of allowable (and prohibited) drug usage on U.S. dairy farms.
The occurrence of antibiotic residues found in milk and meat in the dairy industry is rare. Though rarely detected, mistakes still occasionally occur. UW Milk Quality's Dr. Pamela Ruegg reviews the practical aspects that will help reduce that risk in this final episode of the series.